Tuesday, August 16, 2005

It didn't matter - desperate and initial

You guessed it - I didn't provide the loan break-down and come eligibility time I get a letter saying benefit starts on 2nd August, just as notified way back when.

I also got a letter from the local WINZ manager trying management 101 skills. Completely ignoring all my points and entirely focusing on a negative interpretation of my referral to a woman's knife attack some time ago on one of the case officers.

Just in case he is so slow and didn't make the connection that was my take on the old cliché "the pen is mightier than the sword."

If that is the case and he only knows Management 101 - well what can I say?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Labour Party Policy - Student Loans

So the latest Labour Party election promise is to make student loans interest free IF the graduate stays in New Zealand. Whoop di do - this is only bringing us inline with the rest of the western world where student loans have always been interest free - with no strings attached.

If they wanted to make a social statement they could take a couple of grand off the student’s loan for each year they stay in New Zealand.