Monday, May 09, 2005

Child Support Insanity

So I'm redundant:

A major factor in this is my principle belief the Child Support formula in New Zealand sucks. I'd rather be on the dole paying the minimum $10.00 a week Child Support than:

If I work full time I have an additional tax on my income of $120.00 every week. Going to a women who, I would bet on it, is putting this directly into her savings account.

$120.00 come on: since this should be an equal contribution. On that basis $240.00 every week is being spent on a 10 year old child who is home-schooled!!. If I get the dole here, in New Zealand, I'll get $160.00 each week. How can the Labour Goverment tell me to live on $160.00 a week and give a woman who has never worked anywhere except on her back a budget of $240.00 a week for a 10 year old.

Where is the incentive or justice in that formula? Or is it all part of the big picture to casualise the labour force making men choose the dole and invite women to work part time.


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